Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chronic Fatigue is not death, but it takes your life away.

I was so exhausted when I had chronic fatigue, I had a drawing of a tombstone on my desk that read,

"Here Lies Pat,
She's just a guest...
Don't wake her up,
She needs the rest."

Getting up in the morning was like beating a dead horse. I felt like I was among the walking dead. My sleep varied between insomnia and somnalism. I never felt refreshed, even after sleeping twelve hours.

     Most, if not all CFIDS/FMS patients have an associated sleep disorder such as alpha-EEG anomaly, insomnia, or sleep apnea. Alpha—EEG is characterized by the ability to fall asleep without much trouble, but the deep level of sleep is interrupted by bursts of awake-like brain activity. Patients seemed to spend the night with one foot in sleep and the other in wakefulness. Other patients deal with inability to fall asleep or early morning insomnia. Research suggests this may be due to the body clock or circadian rhythms.

     Circadian Rhythms are our body’s natural cycles that control appetite, energy, mood, sleep and libido. When our body is out of sync with nature, we suffer from a Circadian Rhythm Disorder. Almost all of us, at some time during a year fall out of balance and suffer from sleep, mood or anxiety disorders. Fortunately, after decades of research, science has found the way to create circadian balance.
     Circadian rhythms control the timing, quantity and quality of the hormones and neurotransmitters the body produces and eventually secretes. Hormones and neurotransmitters are the elements that determine how we feel, our sleep patterns, our appetite, our sex drive and other sleep and mood-related issues. When functioning properly, our circadian rhythms create circadian balance. When out of balance, quantity, quality and timing of hormone and neurotransmitter secretion suffer and our bodies suffer from a circadian rhythm disorder (CRD).
Researchers at the National Institute of Health found that that using light therapy at specific times of the day could re-entrain circadian rhythms to a normal pattern. They discovered that a very specific range of blue light is the most effective color (wavelength) in treating these disorders. Apollo Health has spent the last several years working with leading experts to develop an innovative line of BLUEWAVE products. Their goLITE delivers effective wavelengths, which means a more convenient treatment, and fewer side effects than traditional 10,000 lux full-spectrum light therapy devices.
     BLUEWAVE (goLite) is the result of ten years of research with medical universities and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Apollo participated in this research and  produced lights that are twice as effective at shifting circadian rhythms and suppressing melatonin when compared to 10,000 lux and white LEDs.* Phillips has bought Apollo and you can go on line and check out your own circadian rhythms now. Here is the link:
        In my case, for Advanced Circadian Rhythm Disorder, I began sitting to the side of the goLite (which was placed on my table where I could read) at 6:30 p.m. for 30 minutes for two evenings. The third night the time changed to 7 p.m for one night, and the fourth night at 7:30 p.m. for 30 minutes. This treatment continued for six days and by the end,  my circadian rhythms were back to normal. The length and time will vary according to your assessment and what kind of sleep disorder you have.
         I have successfully used the goLite to help a number of people balance their circadian rhythms. . My neighbor hadn’t had a good nights sleep in over two years. She checked her circadian rhythms, borrowed my GoLite for several days and for the past year she has slept peacefully. I have also used it with CFIDS/FMS patients who experienced improved results in sleep and mood.

Dr. Oz recommends taking magnesium an hour before bedtime to help insomnia. I have seen Emotion Code help people with severe insomnia.  There are also hypnosis tapes for insomnia that have good results.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Over use of Prescriptions

I just talked to a woman who has chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. She is taking 11 prescriptions. What are the side effects of those prescriptions? Some of them can be addictive. She is not getting better. I recovered from CFIDS/FMS, but it was with an alkaline diet and supplements not a handful of prescriptions

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Healing, Cleansing Alkaline Diet

Healing Alkaline Cleansing Diet

First thing in the morning and on an empty stomach drink
1 to 2 scoops L-Arginine mixed in 4 to 8 ounces Kangen or distilled water.
Wait 20 minutes before eating or taking supplements.

Avocado Shake,
Mix in a blender ½ peeled lime, scoop out 1 avocado, ½ cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk and 1 packet of stevia. Blend until creamy. If too thick, add more almond milk. You can also add one tablespoon of coconut oil to this mixture. You can add the pulp and juice from a baby coconut to this if you desire.

Green juice
Juice 5 stalks celery, 1/2 bag of spinach, 1 English or two smaller cucumbers.
You may add a small slice of ginger to this mixture if desired. This can be
refrigerated for a day.

Liquid chlorophyll : Drink 4 to 6 ounces or more a day. This may be added to water, and is best done two ounces three times a day.

Lunch and Dinner

Broccoli /Cauliflower Cream Soup

Braise ½ onion and three chopped garlic cloves in two tablespoons olive oil.
Cover with water and add one crown cut up broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts if desired, or asparagus. Add only enough water to cover vegetables. Add salt and spices you like to taste. Dill, curry, basil, rosemary, are suggestions. Bring to gentle boil, reduce heat and cook on low for 15 to 20 minutes. Cool, pour in blender until creamy.

Chew plate for snacks or with soup.
Sliced cucumber, two small cherry tomatoes, guacamole

Additional shakes may be added for more calories or for those who don’t want to lose weight.

Drink juice and liquid chlorophyll throughout the day. More juice or soups may be made if you are still hungry.

L-Arginine for healthy circulation and muscle metabolism also contains magnesium chloride which strengthens bones and muscles, Co-Q10 for energy production in every cell, B-vitamins for mental health, and Vitamin D-3 as an immune booster and helps overall health, including mental health.
Now, I realize that people with chronic fatigue don't always have the energy to juice. Hopefully someone else can do it for you. If not, you can take powered green drinks and barley pills. Avoid drinks with fruit and spirulina. I like AlkaVision, Inner Light Green drink, and the pH Miracle Green drink. I buy my barley pills from and take about 20 a day--7  fifteen  minutes before breakfast, 7 fithteen minutes before lunch and six before dinner.

Free Binural Music to help Heal

This is a link to listen to music that can help your body heal, relax, and it sometimes relieves pain by increasing the number of synapses between the  cells and the brain waves. It is called brain wave entrainment. This relaxing music video on YouTube  made me want to fall asleep.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Magnesium Deficiency Contributes to Disease

According to Dr. Norm Shealy, virtually every known disease
is associated with magnesium deficiency, including asthma, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, migraine, allergies, myocardial (h), and depression.”

Magnesium is a co-factor in activating over 300 different biochemical reactions in the body including: energy production, protein synthesis, bone formation, creation of new cells, activation of B vitamins, function and relaxation of muscles, functioning of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, and brain as well as the nervous system.

Researchers at the University of New York found that the lower the level of magnesium in the body, the higher the blood pressure. 
Magnesium deficiency may also contribute to CFIDS and Fibromyalgia.
Good sources of magnesium include fish, avocados, apples, brown rice, millet, nuts black-eyed peas, lemons, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, and tofu.

Lemons And Limes Alkaline

Acording to Dr. Robert Young, "It is often said that 'acidic' fruits like lemons, limes and grapefruits will acidify the blood and tissues. In fact, the citric, lactic, and other acids in such low sugar fruits - unlike high sugar fruits - exsist primarily in their anionic (basic or electron) form, especially as their Na+ and K+ salts (e.g., potassium citrate). Following absorption, these anions (bases or electrons) are metabolized to sodium bicarbonate. Thus, lemons, limes and grapefruits alkalinize - not acidify - blood and tissues."

Drinking a glass of warm lemon or lime juice each morning will make your body more alkaline, but don't add sugar or other sweeteners, except stevia.

I think there is hope for Recovery

I think there is hope for recovery from CFIDS and Fibromyalgia and I am hoping that others who have recovered or who have discovered things that have improved their health will share their knowledge.. For five years my recovery seemed my passion is to help others recover.
   If I had chronic fatigue again, I would take Neem Pills, coconut oil, go on an alkaline diet, and do "The Emotion Code," (written by Dr. Bradley Nelson) either by reading the book or finding a practitioner who can help release trapped emotions. Trapped emotions from our past can not only cause emotional problems, but can contribute to illness.

Several months ago my eleven -year-old granddaughter dropped by and I couldn't help but notice her continual hacking cough. I released trapped emotions, and the rest of the evening she didn't cough at all. It was amazing. Not only that, she has not had a problem with her asthma for the past two months.

I Recovered from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

"Chronic Fatigue is not death, but it takes your life away."
My journey from Chronic Fatigue began 17 years ago when I was diagnosed with CFIDS and Fibromyalgia. I was so ill my doctor wanted to give me medical disability. After four years of agony I said to my doctor, "I either want to get better or I want to die."I wasn't suicidal, I just didn't have the energy to live. Since then, I have recovered even though the Center for Disease Control says there is no cure. I drastically changed my diet from the typical SAD (Standard American Diet) to an alkaline diet (it includes lots green vegetables), finished a degree in Holistic Nutrition and have more energy than I did 30 years ago. My passion now is to educate others and give them hope for recovery.
My doctoral dissertation explored the results of an alkaline diet on patients who had significant disability and pain from CFIDS/FMS. After they were on the diet for a period of three months or more, all of them experienced significant improvement in their symptoms and were able to resume normal activities. They had outstanding improvment in decreased muscle and joint pain. A hundred percent of partcipants had improvment in 13 out of 16 symptoms. According to several doctors, and Dr. Robert Young, "Yeast (candida), fungus and mold, are major players in Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia."
pH is also a very significant factor in these diseases. The more alkaline your blood and tissues, the less pain you will have.
An article in the journal of Medical Hypothesis proposed that glutathione, an antioxidant essential for lymphocyte function, may be depleted in CFIDS patients. Glutathione is needed for both the immune system and for aerobic muscular contraction. Depletion of the supplement could cause the muscular fatigue and myalgia associated with CFIDS/FMS.

Chronic Fatigue and Hope

I have a friend who has had chronic fatigue for over 16 years. He has made the rounds of doctors with no improvement. I encouraged him to change his diet and buy Dr. Robert Young's book "The pH MIracle." He also bought my book on my recovery from CFIDS. In the beginning, he gradually changed his diet to an alkaline diet, drinking three to six liters of green drinks a day and sometimes juicing green vegetables. Since candida is a major player in CFIDS and Fibromyalgia, his doctor put him on Terbinafin. It is supposed to be as strong as Diflucan but not have the side effects to the liver and kidneys. He has avoided eating grains and dairy since many CFIDS patients are gluten and lactose intolerant. He has eaten quinoa, millet and buckwheat and used rice, almond or soy milk in place of wheat, rye or oats, and dairy in addition to the alkaline diet
This week I received this email from him, "Yesterday I felt better than I have in a very long time. I am getting closer and closer to 100%.