Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Healing, Cleansing Alkaline Diet

Healing Alkaline Cleansing Diet

First thing in the morning and on an empty stomach drink
1 to 2 scoops L-Arginine mixed in 4 to 8 ounces Kangen or distilled water.
Wait 20 minutes before eating or taking supplements.

Avocado Shake,
Mix in a blender ½ peeled lime, scoop out 1 avocado, ½ cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk and 1 packet of stevia. Blend until creamy. If too thick, add more almond milk. You can also add one tablespoon of coconut oil to this mixture. You can add the pulp and juice from a baby coconut to this if you desire.

Green juice
Juice 5 stalks celery, 1/2 bag of spinach, 1 English or two smaller cucumbers.
You may add a small slice of ginger to this mixture if desired. This can be
refrigerated for a day.

Liquid chlorophyll : Drink 4 to 6 ounces or more a day. This may be added to water, and is best done two ounces three times a day.

Lunch and Dinner

Broccoli /Cauliflower Cream Soup

Braise ½ onion and three chopped garlic cloves in two tablespoons olive oil.
Cover with water and add one crown cut up broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts if desired, or asparagus. Add only enough water to cover vegetables. Add salt and spices you like to taste. Dill, curry, basil, rosemary, are suggestions. Bring to gentle boil, reduce heat and cook on low for 15 to 20 minutes. Cool, pour in blender until creamy.

Chew plate for snacks or with soup.
Sliced cucumber, two small cherry tomatoes, guacamole

Additional shakes may be added for more calories or for those who don’t want to lose weight.

Drink juice and liquid chlorophyll throughout the day. More juice or soups may be made if you are still hungry.

L-Arginine for healthy circulation and muscle metabolism also contains magnesium chloride which strengthens bones and muscles, Co-Q10 for energy production in every cell, B-vitamins for mental health, and Vitamin D-3 as an immune booster and helps overall health, including mental health.
Now, I realize that people with chronic fatigue don't always have the energy to juice. Hopefully someone else can do it for you. If not, you can take powered green drinks and barley pills. Avoid drinks with fruit and spirulina. I like AlkaVision, Inner Light Green drink, and the pH Miracle Green drink. I buy my barley pills from www.greensupreme.net and take about 20 a day--7  fifteen  minutes before breakfast, 7 fithteen minutes before lunch and six before dinner.


  1. Do you just do this one day or every day or what?

    1. You do this every day that you have the energy to do this until you a well and healthy. When I had chronic fatigue I rarely had energy to juice so I drank a green drink. I like AlkaVision., also liquid green chlorophyll. Cucumbers are one of the most alkaline foods you can eat. If you have a Vita mixer you can mix the juice if you don't have energy to juice or get someone else to do it for you.
