Monday, September 2, 2013

I think there is hope for Recovery

I think there is hope for recovery from CFIDS and Fibromyalgia and I am hoping that others who have recovered or who have discovered things that have improved their health will share their knowledge.. For five years my recovery seemed my passion is to help others recover.
   If I had chronic fatigue again, I would take Neem Pills, coconut oil, go on an alkaline diet, and do "The Emotion Code," (written by Dr. Bradley Nelson) either by reading the book or finding a practitioner who can help release trapped emotions. Trapped emotions from our past can not only cause emotional problems, but can contribute to illness.

Several months ago my eleven -year-old granddaughter dropped by and I couldn't help but notice her continual hacking cough. I released trapped emotions, and the rest of the evening she didn't cough at all. It was amazing. Not only that, she has not had a problem with her asthma for the past two months.

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